Sunday 15 July 2012

Who Made The Justice BLIND?

Lady justice or Justitia has been always depicted blindfolded. As kids we were taught that it symbolizes the objectivity or the impartiality with which justice is imparted in a case.  Is it really so?

Whatever goes around my world, now I think that may be the Goddess of Justice was made blind to prevent her from seeing the use(misuse) of her powers by the powerful and the rich, To prevent her from seeing how the poor and  "common man" get oppressed,  how the people spend their lifetime seeking justice and most of them die without it, how they pray for justice but get only harassment,  how her weapon( the law) is twisted to favor some, all in the name of justice.To prevent her from seeing who all are involved in this and who cheats whom.
All of this leads to just one thing- people losing faith in the justice. Going to the court and expecting fast result has become a joke of modern times.
But is the Goddess watching all this?No, because some of us have made her blind


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  2. Hello,
    is there a possibility to contact you instead of writing a comment?
    Thanks, best regards,
    Jana M.

    1. Hi, you can contact me on my id
