Monday 26 May 2014

Modi Sarkaar karegi chamatkaar?

Finally everything has settled in. All the overzealous campaign, the largest ever elections, the euphoria of result and The Man has taken his rightful place. Now the real challenge starts.
     People expect him to do wonders for the country. And why shouldn`t they? They voted him on the prospects of development which he pitched forward in every speech. They campaigned for him, projected a no. of versions of abki baar modi sarkaar. They rose above the communal mindset, overcame the divide made by pseudo-secular forces. It will not be wrong to say that this PM has sworn in with an overload of expectations. This is not an open letter to Mr. Modi about what the people of India expect from him. I have no doubt in his ability. This article is to the people.
      Many think that he has a magic wand which will make everything right. But the magic lies within us. It is not the time to just sit back and watch the show. It is not the the time to say that we have done our job now it`s your turn. It is the time to rise. Rise above all the hindrances which have affected the country till now. Do your bit for the nation.
      Keep your city clean. Plant trees. Follow the traffic rules. Don`t give/take bribes. Report corrupt practices. Do your work honestly. Don`t waste water/electricity/petrol. Buy Indian goods. Stop caste based/ gender based discrimination. Make women feel safe. There are endless ways one can contribute to the nation`s development. If you want to support your leader don`t just restrict it to shouting his slogans. Let your work reflect your support. One man cannot bring all the change you want. Be a part of the change. I think then we`ll see the chamatkaar one expects him to do and the one we have voted for.

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